Ten Signs You Are an Arrogant Student

What does it really mean to be arrogant as a student and what are the signs of arrogance? According to Oxford dictionary, an arrogant person is one having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities. 

Arrogance is a feeling of superiority over others. It can be caused by many different things, including wealth, power, or intelligence. Often, people become arrogant because they feel that they are better than everyone else. 

Basic examples of an arrogant person includes; Refusing to learn from others, fighting for their opinion, putting people down in front of others, showing off in business meetings.

Many students go about with shoulder pads as high as skyscrapers maybe because of their wealthy financial background, how smart they are, how recognized they are and may sometimes not notice how bad the display of their attitudes are on others. They sometimes view this haughty and obnoxious character as a display of confidence or intelligence. Thus, no matter how hard to try to correct individuals with this trait, they just feel you are either jealous of what they have or you can’t compare and thus you feel threatened. 

Arrogant students can sometimes pose challenges in the learning environment, affecting their own learning journey and potentially disrupting the educational experiences of others. Arrogance often stems from an overinflated sense of self-worth and can manifest in various behaviors and attitudes. Recognizing the signs of arrogance in a student can help educators and peers address the issue constructively.


Here are Top Ten signs that a Student Might be Demonstrating Arrogance

1. Disregard for Rules

Arrogant students often believe that rules don’t apply to them and may frequently break them, thinking they are above such constraints. They have an unshakable belief that they know it all and thus rules laid down in school are not for them to abide. This is due to their high superiority complex. Now, this is not saying one should not be sure or confident in what they engage in or do, just know when to draw the line. Know when you are at the brink of cutting orders because you think you are better than them or they don’t apply to you because you think they are wrong. If you find your self in this circle, it is advisable you relax and listen.

2. Dismissal of Others’ Opinions

They may regularly dismiss or belittle the opinions, ideas, or contributions of others, believing that their own perspective is superior. An arrogant student lacks the ability to empathize with others around them and thus unwilling to listen to others opinion. This will no doubt cause a bridge between or among students. It makes collaboration with other student difficult, because they are unwilling to meet other students halfway and this will therefore, hinder the progress of class projects.

3. Unwillingness to Collaborate

Arrogant students might resist working in groups or sharing credit for success, as they prefer to be the sole focus of attention and recognition. They constantly have the unshakable feeling that they understand the situation better and thus, better off alone than cooperate with others. They see themselves as independent and can thus work alone. They rarely seek advice from others and sometimes miss the point or fail at a particular project. This causes a lot of friction among students, as other students may feel left out and disrespected.

4. Constant Need for Validation

They often crave praise and recognition and may become upset or defensive if they don’t receive the accolades they believe they deserve. They may constantly exaggerate their speeches or make statements that lacks meaning, just so they can draw attention to themselves and put others down. They constantly feel the need to be the center of attraction, whether it is by dominating conversations or by bragging about accomplishments. They want to be seen at all cost. They don’t care if in the process of being recognized they hurt another.

5. Resistance to Feedback

Arrogant students may struggle to accept constructive criticism and might react defensively or dismissively when offered feedback on their work. They think they know it all and are above corrections or advice. They often see criticisms as unnecessary and above it.

6. Lack of Empathy

They may have difficulty understanding or relating to the feelings of others, often appearing indifferent or insensitive to the needs and emotions of their peers. 

7. Frequent Interruptions

Arrogant students may frequently interrupt others during conversations or discussions, as they believe their points are more important or valuable. They constantly have the desire to make their opinions heard not caring how they do it or how rudely they cut off someone else. This is because they feel their opinion is all that matters and they have the situation under control.  This will no doubt leave those around them feeling belittled and disregarded. 

8. Inability to Admit Mistakes

They might struggle to admit when they are wrong or have made a mistake, often making excuses or blaming others instead of taking responsibility. They will never be caught dead wrong, and as such find it really difficult to admit their wrongs. They rather place the blame on a certain situation or another person than themselves.

9. Sense of Entitlement

Arrogant students might expect special treatment or accommodations, believing that they are deserving of preferential treatment due to their perceived superiority. They act as though they are owed something and deserve to be treated in a certain kind of way, regardless of the situation. They expect special recognition of their opinions or expect people to wait on them.

10. Overconfidence

They often display an unrealistic sense of confidence in their abilities, even in areas where they may lack expertise or knowledge. They would rather lie than say they can’t do a thing. Because they belief they ought to know everything.  They see themselves as self-sufficient. They can be especially damaging in situations they ought to sit back and stay calm.


In a nut shell, if you find yourself portraying any of the above qualities listed above, you have a lot of work to do. You need to practice accepting people’s opinion, not because you are told to but because you know it is the right thing to do in every situation.  Listen to criticisms, and make adjustments when necessary.   

The impact of arrogance cannot be overemphasized, ranging from; making work slow, causing conflicts among students and so on.

It’s essential to approach arrogant students with empathy and understanding, recognizing that arrogance can sometimes be a defense mechanism or a manifestation of underlying insecurities. Educators and peers can help arrogant students develop self-awareness, humility, and social skills through positive reinforcement, constructive feedback, and opportunities for personal growth.

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